18-20 Jun 2014 Turin (Italy)

Call for proposal

3rd edition of the international conference

Governance of a Complex World 2014

GCW 2014

 Final Conference of the PICK-ME project

“Smart, inclusive and sustainable growth:

lessons and challenges ahead”

18-20 June, 2014

Campus Luigi Einaudi (CLE)

Lungo Dora Siena 100, Turin (Italy)




Payment of Registration Fees and Conference Dinner: May 20, 2014

Full paper submission: May 31, 2014


After the organization of GCW 2012 in Nice (France) and GCW 2013 in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), we are pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the conference in Turin (Italy).


GCW is an action of EurKInD, a unique research network focusing on how knowledge, innovation, and development should articulate for a better society in Europe. It brings together reputable scientists in economics and social sciences, but also in mathematics, physics, computer sciences, environment and life sciences, belonging to European as well as non-European academic institutions (www.facebook.com/Eurkind). GCW 2014 is an event of PICK-ME (Policy Incentives for the Creation of Knowledge: Methods and Evidence), a research project funded by the European Commission, within the 7th Framework Programme, Grant number 266959, Cooperation Program / Theme 8 / Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) (http://pick-me.carloalberto.org/).


The theme of the conference this year is “Smart, inclusive and sustainable growth: lessons and challenges ahead”. In 2000, the EU had to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion by 2020. The Lisbon post-2010 agenda clarified that growth and jobs needed not only to be smart, but also environmentally, socially and economically sustainable. The H2020 is now developing in a context where growth should be smart and green still, but with an increasing focus on how to make it more inclusive as massive unemployment prevails in most European countries.


The aim of GCW 2014 is to deal with the lessons so far, and challenges ahead, on the issue of getting to a growth path in the EU at the same time smart, inclusive and sustainable, while attesting that knowledge creation, knowledge diffusion, company growth and innovation behavior are driven by very different factors across the EU Member States. We encourage contributions where (green) innovation is considered as a key driver to stir our complex world out of the crisis, and possible levels of governance to achieve this goal (individuals, firms, industries, regions and countries) are explicated.


Like in previous editions, GCW 2014 welcomes high quality contributions proposing advances in the field of theory, empirics or policy. GCW also signals a refocused interest in the productive and innovative aspects of the economic process, as possible remedies to the persistent impact of the financial crisis. GCW finally considers the EU as a very heterogeneous set of individuals, firms, industries, regions and countries, some farther from the technological frontier and others quite close.


Contributions to GCW 2014 can be related to:

  • the general theme of the conference “Smart, inclusive and sustainable growth: lessons and challenges ahead” with the aim of (i) understanding the articulation between knowledge, innovation and development in Europe, (ii) modelling possible scenarios and collecting evidence for developing an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable growth, (iii) disseminating research results and policy recommendations to a large set of stakeholders.

Central focus (though not exclusive) will be directed to the analysis of these knowledge-innovation-development gaps as disequilibrium, non-linear dynamics, path dependence and self-organization, as well as the exploration of purposes, intents, expectations, and interactions among actors.

Latest methodologies and protocols of research will be covered, including statistical analysis of the dynamics of firms’ characteristics and firms’ localisation, social networks analysis, dynamics of replication, simulations on modular systems, patent analysis, etc.

  • the special tracks with the aim of an in-depth investigation of some dimensions for smart, green, yet inclusive growth and jobs:

- “Towards the green economy through innovative developments”

- “Innovative start-ups”

- “Firm age and development”

- "The geography of innovation"

For these trasks, two special issues are currently accepted by Journal of Evolutionary Economics, and Environmental Economics and Policy Studies. Others are still under discussion with editors of academic journals.


The conference will also include policy-oriented roundtables on social innovation, environment, smart cities, etc.


Keynote speakers:

David Audretsch (Indiana University, USA)

Mario Pianta (University of Urbino, Italy)

Luciano Pietronero (University of Rome "La Sapienza, Italy)

Jeroen Van den Bergh (ICREA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)

Gabriel Yoguel (Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento Buenos Aires, Argentina) – tbc


Submission of abstracts: Submit a 1000 words abstract to http://gcw2014.sciencesconf.org

The abstract should clearly mention:

1. the title of the paper

2. the name of the author(s) and full address of the corresponding author (postal address, phone, fax and email)

3. the submission to the general theme of the conference “Smart, inclusive and sustainable growth: lessons and challenges ahead”, or to one of the special tracks “Towards the green economy through innovative developments”, “Innovative start-ups”, “Firm age and development”,  "The geography of innovation".

4. the aim of the study and methodology

5. the (expected) results and/or conclusion



The 2014 conference is co-organized by Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Turin, and CNRS GREDEG, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis.


Organization leads:

Cristiano Antonelli (Collegio Carlo Alberto, University of Turin, Italy)

Alessandra Colombelli (Politcnico of Torino; GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France)

Jackie Krafft (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France)

Francesco Quatraro (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France)


Information contact: gcw2014@sciencesconf.org


Venue: Campus Luigi Einaudi, Turin, Italy.


Important dates:

Deadline for abstract submission: March 31, 2014

Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2014

Payment of Registration Fees and Conference Dinner: May 20, 2014

Full paper submission: May 31, 2014


Scientific Committee: Cristiano Antonelli (University of Turin, Italy), Alexander Coad (SPRU Brighton, UK), Alessandra Colombelli (Politecnico of Torino; GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Davide Consoli (Manchester Institute of Innovation Research, UK; INGENIO-CSIC, University of Valencia, Spain), Alexander Ebner (Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany), Werner Hoelzl (WIFO, University of Vienna, Austria), Albert Jolink (RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands), Jackie Krafft (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Massimiliano Mazzanti (University of Ferrara, Italy), Eva Niesten (Utrecht University, The Netherlands), Francesco Quatraro (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Jacques Ravix (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, France), Andreas Reinstaller (WIFO, University of Vienna, Austria), Paolo Saviotti (INRA GAEL, University Pierre Mendes France, France), Marco Vivarelli (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Milano, Italy).


Conference fees:

Package fees (registration + conference dinner): 300 euros

Registration fees: 250 euros (access to the Conference, Conference lunches, Conference breaks)

Conference dinner: 50 euros

Fees can be paid only by credit card and online.


Website of the conference: For all information and updates:http://gcw2014.sciencesconf.org

Online user: 1